Perimenopause Unwrapped – Day 16


The Life Seasons Circle

The Life Seasons Circle is an embodied journey where you’ll be adventuring from menarche through to Second Spring experiencing the process of the summer years, perimenopause, and the challenges and gifts of menopause. 

When is a good time to do the Life Seasons Circle? 

The Circle experience can be deep and searching so we advise that you do not listen to the Circle recording while you are bleeding or when feeling particularly vulnerable. Any other time is fine. 

Your intention 

Your intention for this Circle is – 

“To feel supported in each phase of menopause” 

Or you may want to explore a specific issue and craft your own intention.


Before you listen to the recording 

  • Write down the intention in your Support Book or in your journal. 
  • Allow an hour where you won’t be disturbed. 
  • Don’t forget to turn off the notifications on your phone. 
  • You will need a pen, the Support Book or your journal, water, and something grounding to eat (nuts or chocolate are great). 


What happens in a Life Seasons Circle? 

Once you’re comfy with everything you need: 

  1. We will guide you to step into the centre of your Life Circle.
  2. We’ll then guide you through Life Spring, Life Summer, Life Autumn, through the menopause phases and into Second Spring.  
  3. We’ll briefly visit the centre again, and close by stepping out of the Circle. 
  4. There’s space to take notes to anchor your experience afterwards. There’s no wrong way to do this!

It’s helpful to feel into your experience of being in the process in the moment rather than your lived experience of your life, so new information can emerge. Everyone does it differently; you may be more visual, auditory, feel sensation in your body, have memories or thoughts or experience energy shifts.  If you find that you’re getting lost in your thoughts, come back to the guidance on the audio. Everything that happens in the Circle is useful information. 

It’s common to feel lost or confused in the Circle, this is not getting it wrong! It’s a common experience in perimenopause and helpful to notice where this is occurring within your Circle. Similarly when you have interruptions, get distracted, don’t connect, or drift off, it’s important to notice when this happens and what may have triggered this within your Circle experience. 

You can access the Life Seasons Circle audio here 


After your Circle 

After your Circle journey, you may want to take some time to journal, draw or note down any more from your experience that you’d like to. Anything you remember is relevant, you don’t have to remember everything. There will be a chance to reflect more deeply on your experience over the next two days. Don’t forget to have a drink and eat something grounding. 

In the following days, take some time to notice your dreams, symptoms and connections that arise over the following days and above all, be kind to yourself. 

The medicine of the Circle can touch us in ways we do not yet understand.


You can return to the main course menu or continue to day 17