Perimenopause Unwrapped – Day 19


Yoga Nidra

Great work. You’ve journeyed through menarche to Second Spring. You now deserve some sacred and divine rest.

The primary medicine for menopause is rest. More and more and more rest! Yoga Nidra is a meditation that slides safely under your defences and takes you to a totally different place, even when meditation is outside your grasp. ‘Yoga Nidra’ translates as ‘sleep yoga’, but paradoxically it brings us fully awake to ourselves by opening a connection with the subconscious. It’s a relaxation practice because the body is comfy and still, and all we have to do is find a comfortable position. You can’t get this one wrong; no effort is required. 

You will need

  • 25 mins where you won’t be interrupted
  • A comfy place to rest
  • Your support book or a journal to catch the gold

You can access your Yoga Nidra here


Reflections on using Yoga Nidra and resting

In your Support Book or journal reflect on your Yoga Nidra experience:

  1. How did the nidra experience feel?
  2. If you have struggled to find the time to do the Yoga Nidra, what got in the way? What does this tell you about your beliefs about rest?


You can return to the main course menu or continue to day 20