Cyclical Living Unwrapped featuring Abi Denyer-Bewick

Cyclical Living Unwrapped explores the gifts and challenges of cyclical life with experts in the field of menstruation, perimenopause and cyclical living.

You can watch the interview in the video above or the audio is at the bottom of the page.

Abi Denyer-Bewick is a neurodivergent (AuDHD) sea creature with a deep commitment to the cyclical nature of life.

Abi is part of the Red School faculty and has mentored hundreds of women through the Menstruality Leadership Programme with Red School.

Abi works with groups and individuals as a Menstruality Coach and Menstrual Medicine Circle Facilitator and supervisor.

Passionate about the value of community and the importance of hearing the full range of menstrual experiences Abi also consults on creating safer gender diverse spaces and queering the cycle.

She holds a kind, welcoming space for people to experience a deep, nourishing intimacy with themselves through their cycle.

Abi’s links:
Instagram: abi.denyer.bewick

If you are curious about your inner seasons and are navigating perimenopause, you might enjoy our self-directed online course Perimenopause Unwrapped which is available here.

We’d be delighted to welcome you there and if you have any questions you can email us here.


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