We were delighted to hear back from one of our workshop attendees about how her self-care massage was going, here’s the proof that self-care massage works! “When I was younger, right up until a ‘Love your Belly’ workshop, I had always been aware of the arrival of my periods. They had been cripplingly painful, given Read More…
Tag: kindness
Four fab reasons to massage your tummy
Have you ever noticed yourself touching your belly in public? I did the other day, I was running late on the school run and once we’d dashed through the door, I was questioned by the school secretary. “Reason for lateness?” My hand flew protectively to my tummy for comfort while I mumbled in my embarrassment Read More…
Kindness – How hard can it be?
This is a conversation we had about why it is so hard for women to be kind to themselves. My client freaked out today when I suggested she rest when her body was in pain: “How can I when I have to get the dinner and prepare for my presentation and call Read More…