Move from fear to trust with this 21-day, gently guided, self-paced online course.
Take a break from the noise of menopause solutions being offered ‘out there’. By looking inward and gaining insight into your cyclical patterning, deepening the connection to your body, and accessing your intuition, you can navigate your path through perimenopause with kindness and self-compassion.
“It was utterly incredible – quite simply one of the most beautiful, deeply healing, gently holding experiences of my life. Like years of outstanding therapy for the price of one therapy session.”
check out the details here
What we do
At Woman Kind retreats we create space for women and people who feel connected to their womb-space to explore how to live life with greater energy, increased creativity, and a deeper understanding of their own needs.
This exploration begins by inviting you to use your cyclical nature, whether through the menstrual cycle or menopause journey to discover the kindnesses that will nourish you for an authentic and flourishing life.
It’s so easy to recite the “I have to push through” mantra that our body and psyches’ needs often get totally forgotten.
We are all cyclical beings; whether that’s governed by our menstrual cycle, by the push and pull of the moon with the lunar cycle, or by our own internal circadian rhythm.
And it’s these cycles that lead us, rather than the other way round.
What we invite you to do at Woman Kind is to stop, take a breath (or two) and start listening in to what your body and mind are yearning for.
Often that stopping is the kindest of kindnesses that we can show ourselves.
“My life has been forever changed by the work that you and Kate do. I LOVE that we can talk about our cycles and how it affects us on all levels, who we are and who we are becoming because of our cycles. These are conversations I wished I could have been having when I was younger, but there was no one to have them with. And then I met you all
As a result, I can now have everyday conversations about my cycle with my teenage daughter and hope that she will continue and embrace the openness and liberation I have found through you and Kate.”
- Sharon Kaplan
Find free resources
We have a delicious Self-Care Starter Pack all ready for you to dive into
In your pack you’ll find:
- Menstrual and moon charts to track your energy
- A meditation to simplify your life
- Guided massage and Yoga Nidra for perimenopause
- A gentle practice to awaken to life
- A womb massage to affirm your sacred body
- A menstrual mandala for some relaxing colouring in time
We also have a wealth of information about menstrual wellbeing, perimenopause, menopause and how to be kinder to yourself.
Who is Woman Kind?
With combined wisdom of nearly 60 years working as therapists between us, we have been business partners together since 2014 sharing a passion that everyone might feel connected and comfortable in their bodies. That passion has expanded into the wish to see your individual needs embraced to such an extent, that you flourish and truly step into your power. You can find out more about Kate and Leora here.
Who comes to our retreats?
Woman Kind is open both to women and people who feel connected to their womb-space, of any age from menarche onwards who are looking for a deeper connection with their well-being. You may have a womb, you may not. You may be rocking your cycle, you may hate it. You may love being a woman or you may find the feminine a freaking nightmare. Wherever you are, we aim to hold a safe, welcoming space for your authentic Self to put aside your external obligations and cultivate your inner kindness.
1-2-1 Sessions
Leora and Kate are Menstrual Medicine Circle facilitators and offer 1-2-1 sessions online and in person. Medicine Circles are a profound uncovering of the patterns that hold us back from being our greatest selves and offer the possibility of enhanced gifts and resources. They are suitable for people who feel connected to their womb-space, with or without a cycle and/or womb who want to explore menstrual, menopause, creative or personal growth issues. Here are Kate’s details and here are Leora’s.
Get invitations to our free events, early-bird prices for events and menstruality support by email