
Cyclical Living Unwrapped featuring Abi Denyer-Bewick

Cyclical Living Unwrapped explores the gifts and challenges of cyclical life with experts in the field of menstruation, perimenopause and cyclical living. You can watch the interview in the video above or the audio is at the bottom of the page. Abi Denyer-Bewick is a neurodivergent (AuDHD) sea creature with a deep commitment to the Read More…

Cyclical Living Unwrapped freaturing Hannah B Burton

Cyclical Living Unwrapped explores the gifts and challenges of cyclical life with experts in the field of menstruation, perimenopause and cyclical living. You can watch the interview in the video above or the audio is at the bottom of the page. Hannah introduces herself by saying… ‘Despite being a healthy Nutritional Therapist and NLP practitioner Read More…

Cyclical Living Unwrapped Un-Christmas Special with Leora and Kate

Cyclical Living Unwrapped explores the gifts and challenges of cyclical life with experts in the field of menstruation, perimenopause and cyclical living. In this UnChristmas episode, we’re sharing our top tips for surviving Christmas, so you can prioritise self-care and compassion even in the middle of chaos and overwhelm. You can watch the interview in Read More…

Cyclical Living Unwrapped featuring Lizzy Kurtzer

 Cyclical Living Unwrapped explores the gifts and challenges of cyclical life with experts in the field of menstruation, perimenopause and cyclical living. You can watch the interview in the video above or the audio is at the bottom of the page. Lizzy is your Inner Connection Coach. Born in Australia, living in Edinburgh, with Read More…

Cyclical Living Unwrapped featuring Tessa Venuti Sanderson

   In this episode, Tessa Venuti Sanderson shares her experience of oestrogen dominance, rather than the common narrative of oestrogen deficiency in perimenopause; how she manages her inner summer/ovulatory push to say ‘yes’ to everything, so she doesn’t fall off a cliff later in her cycle; the seasonal layers showing up in her life, Read More…

Cyclical Living Unwrapped featuring Natasha Richardson

  We’ll hear in this episode about the limitations of the ‘can do’ inner summer energy, and how pacing is the way to go. How Natasha’s inner autumn self-care has changed before and after having children, and the skills she’s developed for experiencing rest in various ways, with young children. Natasha Richardson is the founder Read More…

Cyclical Living Unwrapped featuring Jyoti Mayani

In this episode, we’ll hear how Jyoti cares for herself through her menstrual cycle using the seasons as a guide, how to tell if you’ve ovulated, why this is important even in perimenopause, how to have a ‘good’ period and how to max out the gift of the premenstrual phase aka the inner autumn. Jyoti Read More…