Day 7 video transcript

Kate here, just checking in.

You’ve set your intention, you’ve explored your menarche and if that’s all you ever do here in this course, that alone can change your life.  I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen transform just from doing these simple steps and repatterning their first period. 

You have learned a bit more about and dived into the inner seasons of your menstrual life and you’re starting to deepen your understanding of your version of each season as you reflect back. How they touch you, how you notice them, what helps you and what hinders you in each season.

The next step in Perimenopause Unwrapped is to use the Medicine Circle on day eight. The Medicine Circle is a wonderful process that will further deepen your understanding somatically and for your whole system, of how the Seasons operate. That’s true even if you don’t have a menstrual cycle at the moment. The Medicine Circle is our core practice and one we use ourselves in our personal and professional lives as a guide and it’s unbelievably helpful.

Just to say this is a lifelong process of discovery of tracking these changes and wherever you are in your journey there’s always more to discover.  Layers of subtlety and meaning, of archetypal and practical self-care, and spiritual growth that are always unfolding.  As well as deepening layers of kindness towards ourselves.

Just to remind you that it’s your journey and everyone has their own path, their own way of doing things, and their own timing, their own pacing.  Your timing, your past, and your pacing is you perfect for you and I really encourage you to trust the process, most especially if seems completely impossible to trust!

Go gently and enjoy the unwrapping.