7.30pm Monday 14th October
Watford Quaker Meeting House
Cost £18
If you want a whole day to explore your menopause landscape have a look at Love Your Menopause
Our 40’s and 50’s are a time of inner upheaval, many of us have the sensation that just as we’ve finally found our feet, the rug has been pulled out and we’re landing badly. At Woman Kind we see perimenopause and menopause as an inside job. It’s a transformational process that is moving us forward into the post-menopause version of you; authentic, essential, maybe even more focussed. A place where your calling, big or small, becomes clear.
The menopause circle is a Life Seasons Circle – an embodied, guided journey through perimenopause, the phases of menopause and into the second spring of post-menopause, so you can feel from the inside the transformational possibilities of menopause.
Leora & Kate held a beautiful, safe space to explore where we were all at in our journeys through menopause.
The Life Seasons Circle can be helpful to explore:
- Physical manifestations (aka symptoms) of menopause
- Anxiety
- Understanding of the possibilities of post menopause
- Finding out where you are
- Deepening your spiritual understanding and practice
- Understand your creative process
- Or you might want a space for ‘dreaming’, a check in or metaphorical ‘tune-up’.
And many other issues. You can read more about what Medicine Circles are and where they come from here.
What you’ll receive
We open by connecting in with ourselves and with our intention for the Circle.
Using your intention as a focus, you’ll be sensitively guided from the centre of the circle, through an imagined journey around the cycle, visiting the seasons of life to access your insights.
There will be space to reflect on your journey and the headline information that has emerged.
We close the evening by grounding what you would love to take from your circle experience into your real world life, as you navigate perimenopause or menopause.
Free Place
We have one free place to give away, just nominate yourself and/or a friend and email Leora with the details before 9th October.
‘Kate and Leora hold the group with warmth and kindness. It was a truly safe space to explore perimenopause , connect with women going though it, learn tools to support the transition.’
As well as reconnecting to a sense of kindness in yourself, Medicine Circles are often deeply reassuring; everything feels that it will work out OK. You may even notice over the following months how the medicine of the circle energetically heals, bringing better balance into your life.
Our intention
Our intention is for you to feel the warm promise of the second spring, and to feel more accepting of the transformation you are experiencing.