Love Your Menopause Day Retreat
10am-5pm Saturday 8th February 2020
Cost £90
Sold out
If there’s one thing everyone who’s menopausal or perimenopausal longs for, it’s time for herself; time to rest, reconnect and just let go.
At a Love Your Menopause retreat day we have self-care on offer in spades, not only on the day itself but we also give you the space and resources to figure out how to build more of this into your everyday life as an ongoing practice. It’s amazing how setting an intention to make a tiny change can build over time into a major shift in kindness. Here’s what women experienced on the retreat day, in their own words.
Many of us find ourselves bewildered by the changes that arrive in our 40’s, things we’ve done for years just don’t fit anymore, our moods, energy and cycles shift and change daily and we start to wonder who the hell we are.
The good news is that this is a normal healthy process of transformation. Far from the curse of mid-life, menopause is a dynamic gateway to transform yourself into the real you; a more authentic, essential, more focussed. Following your calling may be a BIG, scary, world-changing calling, or it might be a calling to potter in the garden!
On our Love your Menopause retreat day we take you through the phases of menopause in an embodied process so that you can:
· orientate yourself, feeling you where you are
· identify what your next steps are
. feel the tools available to support you
· feel the encouragement of the second spring the new post-menopausal cycle arriving
“I was blown away…through a series of interventions we each built up a relationship with our wombs and that in itself was incredibly moving. The care with which they prepared for the day was awesome – every little detail from the yummy snacks to the pack of goodies we got to take home.”
The retreat is open to anyone who is experiencing perimenopause or menopause symptoms or who is curious to understand more.
Catherine Tugnait
“Having journeyed with Kate and Leora on previous Menopause retreats, I was very much looking forward to this one. I certainly was not disappointed. It felt wonderful to be in a room full of fellow journeywomen. It felt special to connect to my menarche self and revisit some of the feelings around that pivotal step into womanhood. It felt like a deeply nourishing experience facilitated by 2 wonderful menopause queens.”
You will receive
Womb blessing
A bit like a feminine Reiki, this deliciously gentle healing nourishes your creative, feminine centre. It brings a reverence and grace to the exploration of what it is to be authentic and well-resourced.
Womb Love
This is a unique combination of embodied movement inspired by Womb Yoga, self-care belly massage and guided visualisation. It combines the physical benefits of increased circulation, release and lymph flow to your womb and belly, with a deep connection to your innate wisdom by embodied listening. We’ll be exploring how it is to leave behind roles and identity and emerge into a new cycle. As a side benefit, you’re also learning the ultimate in daily self-care!
The company of good women
Previous participants tell us that witnessing women’s stories and sharing our own in our warm, confidential circle is deeply healing in itself, reducing the charge around managing change in their lives.
Seasonal experiences
The afternoon is dedicated to exploring the 5 chambers of menopause in an embodied process. We’ve noticed that rather like Family Constellations, just doing this process creates energy shifts in your life without even trying.
At each stage of the day, there will be plenty of time to share as much or as little as is comfortable for you. The digestion and processing of new information is important when allowing change to happen, so we build in spaciousness to allow this to happen; particularly precious when we have so little of it in our daily lives.
To complete the day we’ll be supporting you in finding your way to allow these changes to happen. Everyone does this differently so we have a range of ideas for you to adopt.
“Menopause is an ending and a beginning, a time in which a woman deeply examines who she is, what she has done and who she now wants to be.”
Alexandra Pope
The retreat is designed for you if you are looking for natural remedies for perimenopause and menopause. There have never been so many powerful menopausal people on the planet as there are now, imagine what could happen if we all stepped up consciously together?!
We provide delicious snacks, tea and coffee for the breaks, please bring a dish of veggie food to share at lunchtime.
You can find more information about menopause well-being here.
If you’re not menopausal and would like to come to a retreat, join our email community or Facebook to be the first in the know.
“I started the day a little hesitant and wary about what would happen. This has been part of my experience of being in the midst of perimenopause for the last 2 years. Things I used to relish, have filled me with vulnerability and unease. I have withdrawn from group engagements because of this. Leora and Kate’s tender approach to the day helped me settle in, in my own way, on my own terms. By the end of the workshop I felt more accepting and less resistant about things, which felt huge. It’s been over a week since I attended and I feel as though the vulnerability I was carrying has been replaced by understanding. This has made way for more ease and confidence than I’ve felt in a while. I am still honouring my need to go within, and I am also following my nose with an emerging idea that has been there for a while but which I have not had the wherewithal to do follow up. This will make a significant difference to my business, and I’ve just heard back from a contact that they wish to engage my idea. This feels exciting but not overwhelming which is just perfect for this new phase I feel I am entering. Thank you Leora and Kate, this was just what I needed and I highly recommend this workshop to any woman who wishes to prepare herself for menopause, or who is already experiencing the emotional turbulence that can go with it.”
Sandra Chapman