A cosy, 21-day, online journey to unwrap the healing and reveal the gifts of perimenopause
Book here between 6th and 31st October 2021
No one expects to feel like this. Just as you have finally figured out who you are and what your life is about, you’re suddenly untethered and your sense of focus has evaporated. Your menstrual cycle may be going weird, you might feel you’re going mad or physically and mentally ill. The things you could rely on have become soggy ground; and it’s so tiring to push yourself through.
Perimenopause is challenging, there’s no denying that, but it is also part of a healing initiation into a whole new cycle of being, the Second Spring of postmenopause. This new cycle offers the potential of vibrancy and a sod it all attitude, if we can take advantage of the healing available to us in menopause.
“Simply put it was the best thing I’ve ever done around menopause (and I’ve done quite a bit now)”

You are the authority on you, there are no instant fixes offered here. Instead, Perimenopause Unwrapped will give you the structure to cut through the cultural negativity, and take a closer look at the deeper meanings of your menstrual life, with an opportunity to find your truth.
This program is the best of both worlds, accessible, built to fit around your life and commitments so you can take it a sip at a time, but supported by live, in person zoom calls to get your questions answered and be heard.
By joining our inspiring community of fellow travellers, you can navigate these challenging times with compassion, hope and trust.
“It really gave me a greater understanding of myself and that is of huge value”
Our gifts to you
Each day you’ll receive a gentle prompt to unwrap a little portion to explore your experiences over your menstrual life.
Starting with your experience of your first period we explore:
- What beliefs you absorbed about beginning your menstrual life, from your family and those around you.
- How these beliefs have impacted your cycling years and perimenopause
- Discover the inner-seasons of your monthly cycle
- Unwrap how they can reveal your unique plan for perimenopause
- The psychological map of the menopause process
- Where you are on the map and your personal recipe for your situation
- An embodied experience of moving through menopause into the Second Spring of postmenopause
- An invitation to join our community for ongoing support
All so that you can feel your authority, even as you wobble, in fact, especially as you wobble.
Own your vulnerability as a strength.
Trust the healing to deliver you to Second Spring.
We know life is overwhelming, but with just a little time each day, you can develop the self-kindness you may have longed for, and definitely deserve.

What’s on offer?
The illustrated Support Book
A rich resource to support you through the program and beyond, with information and space for inquiry into the inner seasons of your cycle, how to chart your cycle, and the phases of perimenopause. The Support Book holds you on your journey through the program, and you can add to it later, enriching your experience as you traverse menopause. There are prompts for you to explore patterns set up in menarche, the seasons of your cycle, through the menopause process and into the Second Spring of postmenopause; plenty of space for you to catch your insights as they arrive.
Zoom Q and A’s
To give you personalised support and holding we have two zoom calls to answer your questions and support you on your unfolding journey.
10am UK Sunday 17th October
7pm UK Monday 8th November
Menstrual charts to track your mood and energy if you have a cycle or moon charts if you are no longer menstruating.
Medicine Circle
A Medicine Circle is an embodied, guided journey through the inner-seasons of menstruality to unwrap the tools you need to navigate perimenopause.
“Medicine circles were almost magical in their ability to gently illuminate parts of myself and my experience that nothing else had been able to.”
Self-care Womb Massage
An audio download of a delicious self-care womb massage practice for you to keep, which not only brings the physical benefits of improved circulation, but also invites you to sink into a deeper connection with her, or the space she has held, if you’ve had a hysterectomy. Your relationship with your womb during your menstruating years may be or have been complicated, or loving, or perhaps indifferent. We’re offering an opportunity to be with her, at this sacred time of transition.
Life Seasons circle
The Life Seasons Circle , is an embodied, guided journey through perimenopause, the phases of menopause and into the second spring of post-menopause, so you can feel from the inside the transformational possibilities. This practice is unique to us at Woman Kind and safely opens the door to your authority.
Yoga Nidra
An audio of a delicious Yoga Nidra to affirm the approach of your new life cycle, soothe your soul and bring in more confidence around your perimenopause challenges. If you’ve not come across it before, Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation which takes you effortlessly into deep rest.
Your investment
Total investment £77, you will get the most benefit if you are able to give yourself 15-20-minutes a day to use the practices and reflect on your journey with the support book.
“It was like the antidote to the loneliness that can accompany this transition and all its challenges, helped me recognise the gifts for the first time, and gave me something to build on, so feeling more creative and less about loss. “
Who are we?
Leora Leboff Kate Codrington
Leora and Kate have more than half a century of experience as therapists between them and are renowned for their gentle holding and facilitation. They were the first to graduate as Medicine Circle facilitators from Red School and have developed their unique processes, the Life Seasons Circle, which has created healing and breakthroughs for 100’s of participants in menopause both live and online.
We’re looking forward to seeing you at Perimenopause Unwrapped to register your interest use the form below