Transcript of day 17 video

I’m sure you’re absolutely full after your Medicine Circle, so I really encourage you to give yourself some kind of dreamy space. Maybe gaze out of the window, potter around, wander around your house, or whatever you can do to give yourself a bit of space. This space, this dreamy time, is where the integration can really happen. You don’t have to think,  it’s easy to get stuck in trying to make it work, and this is not something that you can use your fantastic cognitive abilities to figure out! 

It’s an integrative process, it’s also energy medicine and just having this experience of travelling through the Life Seasons will support the balance of the cycle, including the season and phase that you’re in at the moment. Nothing else needs to be done, actioned or added to your already over-full to-do list.  

We’ve built in plenty of time to digest and reflect on your experience over the next few days. There’s lots of space here and the process of unwrapping is really a lifelong process.  It goes on all through our lives in all sorts of ways, and the structure we offer here at Perimenopause Unwrapped, along with the tools that we have for you,will be here for you to return to, time and time again. Supporting you whenever you need it.  Maybe with different reflections, with different intentions.  There’s no wrong way, there’s nothing to be achieved, there’s no goals or prizes for the most menstrually or perimenopausally aware! There are only more opportunities for kindness. 

Wherever you’re at, you’re doing just brilliantly.


You can return to day 17 here