Perimenopause Unwrapped – Day 17


Reflections on Life Seasons Circle, part 1


You can find a transcript of the video here.

You’ve journeyed around two Circles now, gleaning lots of information (remember that not feeling/connecting/drifting is all information too)

Take time to reflect now on Life Spring, Life Summer and Life Autumn:

Life Spring

  1. What challenges did you find in your Life Spring?
  2. What support were you able to access here?

Life Summer

  1. What challenges did you find in your Life Summer?
  2. What support were you able to access here?

Life Autumn/Separation

  1. How did it feel for you to enter into Separation?
  2. What challenges did you find here?
  3. What support was available to you?
  4. If you feel you’re in the phase of Separation now, how can this support be available for you in your daily life?


You can return to the main course menu or continue to day 18