Venue: Wherever you’re comfortable
Monday 18th May – Sunday 24th 2020
An online retreat to explore the landscape of perimenopause
Sold out
or see below to nominate yourself for a free place
How is your perimenopause playing out as we move through these strange Corona times?
When we initially planned this retreat we were moving in a different world, we were reflecting on how our relationships, family and careers were panning out as the challenges of perimenopause were showing themselves.
Now we’re looking at life through a lockdown lens, which means we’ve adjusted our focus and are welcoming our perimenopause journeys while accommodating this new way of living. We have re-designed the retreat to reflect this.
But our invitation is that you still have the right to put your own kindness first.
It’s still necessary to fill our cups as Corona life may be pulling us in unusual directions, physically and emotionally.
With love and full hearts, we’ve shifted how we’re offering Am I Going Mad
- It’s now a tightly held 7-day online retreat, plus we’ve added in
- Three live and personal Zoom sessions with space to share your experience if you choose to
- We’ve reduced the price from £65 to £33 to make it much more accessible for you.
Our intention is that you feel held throughout the retreat.
Here are the Zoom dates for your diary:
- Monday 18th May 4 pm (London time) – Welcome gathering with meditation on Zoom 60mins
- Friday 22nd May 4 pm Life (London time) – Life Seasons Circle on Zoom 60mins
- Sunday 24th May 4 pm (London time) – Next steps gathering with farewell meditation on Zoom 60mins
All the Zoom calls will be recorded for you to access later.
And by the way…
You are not mad, you are waking up!
Here’s what participants said about their experience last year.
“I absolutely loved being part of Kate and Leora’s online retreat. It was really well organised and there was so much interaction and support in the group throughout each day. I highly recommend this journey”
– Cat
What’s on offer
A safely held, nourishing week-long retreat, including Zoom gatherings and a dedicated Facebook group, where you are invited to explore your inner landscape and unearth resources to navigate your transformation.

“It’s been wonderful to have had an anchor point to bring my awareness to each day to care for my womanliness. I am coming away with a deeper trust actually in myself, that my lived experience of being a cyclic woman is real and true and worthy of love and care. Thank you, Kate and Leora, you have given so much care and attention. It’s felt lovely to be on the receiving end of this work and in safe, knowledgeable hands. And it’s wonderful that I can now dip into these resources and when I do I will be reminded of my connection with this circle.”
You will receive
An illustrated support book
We’ve created this rich resource to support you through the retreat with information about the phases of perimenopause, the inner seasons of your cycle and how to chart your cycle. The support book will contain your process and you can add to it later, enriching your experience as you traverse menopause. There are prompts for you to explore patterns set up in menarche, the seasons of your cycle, through the menopause process and into the Second Spring of postmenopause; plenty of space for you to catch your insights as they arrive.
Menstrual charts to track your mood and energy if you have a cycle or moon charts if you are no longer menstruating.
Opening circle
Join us 4pm (London time) Monday for our opening meditation on Zoom, have a chance to introduce yourself and set your intention for the retreat.
Self-care Womb Massage
An audio download of a delicious self-care womb massage practice for you to keep, which not only brings the physical benefits of improved circulation, but also invites you to sink into a deeper connection with her, or the space she has held, if you’ve had a hysterectomy. Your relationship with your womb during your menstruating years may be or have been complicated, or loving, or perhaps indifferent. We’re offering an opportunity to be with her, at this sacred time of transition.
Life Seasons circle
The Life Seasons Circle on Friday, is an embodied, guided journey through perimenopause, the stages of menopause and into the second spring of post-menopause, so you can feel from the inside the transformational possibilities. This practice is unique to us at Woman Kind and safely opens the door to your authority.
Yoga Nidra
An audio of a delicious Yoga Nidra to affirm the approach of your new life cycle, soothe your soul and bring in more confidence around your perimenopause challenges. If you’ve not come across it before, Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation which takes you effortlessly into deep rest.
Online support
Personal support from both of us in a dedicated Facebook group throughout the retreat, sharing and space to reflect on the prompts in the support book.
Closing meditation
Join us for our closing meditation on Sunday, a grounding practice to close the retreat, find your next steps and help you integrate what you have learned.
Your investment
We’ve reduced the cost of the retreat from £65 to £33 to reflect our current situation. You will get the most benefit if you are able to give yourself at least 15-20-minutes a day to use the practices and reflect on your journey with the support book.
Sold out

Sponsored places
We adore offering a sponsored place at our events and as usual, we have one free place up for grabs. All you need to do is nominate yourself or a friend, or both, by emailing Kate
How do you know if this is this for you?
This retreat is designed for sensitive people in their 40’s who are interested in navigating their perimenopause, exploring the transition as an inside job and engaging with the transformational possibilities of menopause.
If you are in crisis or require stronger holding for another reason, we both offer one to one sessions. We’re also happy to chat if you’re not sure if Am I going mad? is for you. Just book a free clarity call with Leora or Kate to talk it through.

Here’s what one woman said about our last online retreat…
“There was a great sense of excitement for me around knowing there is somewhere safe to go when I wanted to learn more, have time for myself to grow and just “Be” and like I said before, to feel part of a bigger power of women. Don’t let it end!”
Other Woman Kind offerings in 2020?
Love Your Menopause – November
Or you can always book a 1-2-1 session with Leora or Kate
We’d love to see you soon!