Perimenopause Unwrapped – Day 18


Reflections on Life Seasons Circle, part 2

Life Winter takes us into the phases of Surrender and Emergence, followed by the post-menopause phase of Second Spring. Please use your Support Book and journal to reflect on these phases:

Reflections on Life Winter/Surrender

  1. How did it feel for you to enter into the phase of Surrender?
  2. What challenges did you find here?
  3. What support was available to you?

Reflections on Life Winter/Emergence

  1. How did it feel for you to enter into the phase of Emergence?
  2. What challenges did you find here?
  3. What support was available to you?

Reflections on Second Spring

  1. How did it feel for you to enter into the phase of Second Spring?
  2. What challenges did you find here?
  3. What support was available to you?


You can return to the main course menu or continue to day 19