What is self-care?

Kate and Leora discuss ‘What is self-care?’ and why it matters so much for fertility, menstrual and menopause health.   If this has got you interested in charting your cycle, check out our next Love your Belly workshop or you can download a chart by filling in the form on the right-hand side of the Read More…

Learn self-help massage on the cheap!

Our early bird price for Your Road to Fertility Health will end on Monday! If you are interested in learning the self-help massage for fertility, book this weekend to save yourself a tenner.

early bird price ending

Our early bird price for Your Road to Fertility Health will end on Monday! If you are interested in learning the self-help massage for fertility, book this weekend to save yourself a tenner.

Kindness – are you worth it?

We are delighted to welcome women’s health expert Rachel Eyre who is sharing her take on why we find it hard to be kind to ourselves and what we can do to change that. Rachel has a wealth of experience helping women with all sorts of hormonal issues using physical therapies, natural family planning,  fertility awareness, Read More…

Four fab reasons to massage your tummy

Have you ever noticed yourself touching your belly in public? I did the other day, I was running late on the school run and once we’d dashed through the door, I was questioned by the school secretary. “Reason for lateness?” My hand flew protectively to my tummy for comfort while I mumbled in my embarrassment Read More…